One Hundred Years

One Hundred Years,  a series celebrating the unique individuals who create a community.
A hundred portraits every age from 0- 100.

Permanent Installations in Public spaces delivered in 2022  ( except the Whitechapel billboards and Australian installation)

Exhibition Map

Britannia Leisure Centre

All 102 portrait from the series can be seen in the brand new Britannia Leisure Centre in Shoreditch Park .
This  permanent installation, can be seen in the atrium wall of the foyer stretching though all floors of the building.

Regents Canal

Seven larger than life portraits, standing 3 metres high, sit overlooking the community from the edge of the Canal.

Walk from Victoria Park towards Broadway Market to visit them.

Photo 22 Photography Festival. Melbourne. Australia

May 2022 – May 2023 – One Hundred Years was selected for Photo22.

All 100 portraits have been presented along 150 metres of Barry Street, in age consecutive order.

Whitechapel High Street

A collaboration with the BUILDHOLLYWOOD family installed on Whitechapel High Street, situated near The Whitechapel Art Gallery and Brick lane, for September 2021.

Pitfield Street Civic Hub

36 panels from the series have been installed in this community centre as a permanent installation, to welcome service users and providers into the space. Thanks to support from The Shoreditch Trust and Hackney Council.

Boxpark Shoreditch / Croydon

12 Portraits from the series will be shown as large vinyls across both sites for the month of March 2022.

Shoreditch Park Surgery

Thirty portraits from the series can be seen at Shoreditch Park Surgery, 8-10 Rushton St, London N1 5DR.They will be displayed in the waiting room till July 2022 to help patients reflect, become distracted or inspired, encouraging empathy and understanding.

The surgery is happy for non patients to visit the installation covid rules allowing , enquire at their reception.