01 / 16
100 portraits gathered in my community covering every age from one to one hundred, this series captures not just a community, but the many vital moments of connection, contradiction, growth and reflection that we all experience as we age.
Vivi 3/100 Years
03 / 16
Jack 7/100 Years
04 / 16
Mia 16/100 Years
05 / 16
Iris 19/100 Years
06 / 16
Josh 24/100 Years
07 / 16
Rosy 36/100 years
08 / 16
09 / 16
Anjum 55/100 Years
10 / 16
Cynthia 60/100 years
11 / 16
Cloud 75/100 Years
12 / 16
Sherlock 89/100 Years
13 / 16
Hyacinth 88/100 years
14 / 16
Ron 93/100 years
15 / 16
Renee 100/100 Years
16 / 16